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Can I use this? Copyright for your dissertation or thesis

Can I use this? Copyright for your dissertation or thesis

Related LibGuide: Copyright by Martha Stuit

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
2:00pm - 2:50pm
Registration has closed.

You may want or need to use third party materials in your dissertation or thesis, but it can be unclear how to navigate copyright and whether you can use something. We will cover what options you may have for using others’ work, such as public domain, fair use, and permissions.

Also, when you write your dissertation or thesis, it typically has copyright as an original work fixed in a tangible medium, which can be physical or digital. We’ll talk about what this means and what choices you may make about your thesis or dissertation, such as publishing articles from your dissertation chapters, including your published articles in your dissertation, and adding a Creative Commons license.

There will be time for questions, too. Martha Stuit, Scholarly Communication Librarian at the UCSC University Library, will teach this session. This workshop will be on Zoom and not recorded, and slides will be shared with registrants.