Working with Omeka: Building a Community of Users
Event box
Working with Omeka: Building a Community of Users
- Date:
- Thursday, May 7, 2015
- Time:
- 9:30am - 4:00pm
- Location:
- Humanities 210
- Location:
- McHenry Library
- Categories:
- Digital Scholarship
Working in Omeka: Building a community of users
Thursday, May 7 (9:30 – 4) at Humanities 210
Video from the Working with Omeka Symposium is now available online. View the whole morning here or watch individual presentations:
- Elaine Sullivan | Omeka in the Classroom ➚
- Alan Christy, Conner Lowe, Rei Coleman | The Gail Project ➚
- Jess Waggoner, Ned Henry | The Omeka Curator Dashboard ➚
- Patrick Murray-John | Keynote: How you can tailor your Omeka site, and Why ➚
Calling all scholars, museum professionals, librarians, archivists, researchers and educators. Learn how to use Omeka to share your research or collections with the world, build online exhibits, display documents and oral histories, or create digital archives. Omeka is designed with non-IT specialists in mind, allowing users to focus on content and to foster user interaction and participation.
An All Day Symposium (9:30 - 4)
Join us to explore the possibilities of using Omeka across the university and imagining the future of digital exhibit building at the University of California. Through presentations and directed conversations, this day-long symposium will yield inspiration for teaching, research, publishing, and future development.
The symposium will feature a keynote address, "How can you tailor your Omeka site, and Why?" by Patrick Murray-John, Research Assistant Professor and Omeka Developer Manager at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.
This event is targeted to tool developers, researchers, librarians, archivists, instructors, and graduate students from across the UC system. The event is open to all interested and will be especially of interest to those already working in Omeka to develop digital asset libraries, curate research material, teach visual arts, or cultivate digital literacies.
Follow the conversation at @DH_UCSC and #omekaUCSC.
Schedule for the Day
9:30 – 10:00 Coffee & Introductions (Humanities 210) | Welcome by Elizabeth Cowell, University Librarian
10:00 - 12:15 Omeka at UCSC: Plugin Development, Research, and Pedagogy (Humanities 210)
- Omeka in the Classroom | Elaine Sullivan (History Department)
- The Gail Project | Alan Christy (History Department), Connor Lowe, Rei Colman
- The Omeka Curatorial Dashboard: Multimedia Plugins and Nuxeo Connectivity | Jess Waggoner (University Library) & Ned Henry (University Library)
12:15 – 1:50 Lunch (Humanities 202) | Showcase of Omeka Projects from across the UC system
1:00 – 1:30 Keynote (Humanities 210) | Patrick Murray-John, "How Can You Tailor Your Omeka Site, And Why”
1:30 – 1:45 Coffee Break (Humanities 202)
1:45 – 3:15 Breakout sessions: Exploring Omeka’s possibilities
- Getting Started: How and Why to use Omeka (Humanities 402) | Angela Thalls, Digital Media Specialist (Humanities Division)
- Omeka in & out of the library: Building exhibits, showcasing objects, and managing collaborations (Humanities 210) | Sue Perry, Head of Library Digital Initiatives
- “If only I could…”: Ideal Functionality and Future Plugin Development (Humanities 408) | Robin Chandler, Associate University Librarian
- Teaching with Omeka: Digital Storytelling and Beyond (Humanities 202) | Leslie Kern, Operations Manager for Faculty Instructional Technology Center (FITC)
3:15 – 4:00 Round up: The Future of Omeka at UC (Humanities 210)
Extend your stay >
Patrick Murray-John, Research Assistant Professor and Omeka Developer Manager at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, will offer a keynote address:
Wednesday, May 6 (5 – 7 PM) at Humanities 210
Patrick Murray-John,
“Latent Data: How, Where, And Why (Digital) Humanists Discover Data Hidden In Plain Sight”
In this talk, Murray-John will argue that data and the humanities have long held a close and fruitful interrelationship. Data in humanities research is not new; it is the capacity of new technology to do more with data that creates a sense of difference, possibility, and even anxiety. This talk will begin by looking at centuries-old treatment of data in the humanities, and explore how humanists are rediscovering the data in their corpora.
Dr. Patrick Murray-John
Dr. Patrick Murray-John is a Research Assistant Professor and Omeka Developer Manager at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. He has a B.S. in Mathematics from Iowa State University, and an M.A. in English Literature and Ph.D. in Anglo-Saxon Literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Besides helping to develop Omeka, he uses it and other tools to experiment with making data part of public humanities projects. A recent project of his, the US Museums Explorer, an Omeka site built on data released by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, was recently cited as an example of using open data in the Center For the Future of Museums' "Trends Watch 2015".